We are currently limiting membership applications. Feel free to submit and application, but membership acceptance is based on member resignations.
Step 1 - Complete application and Submit
Download and print a copy of our Application for Membership. Fill it out completely and give the signed copy to any flying club Board Member. Your payment of the initiation fee $1000 and 1st month dues ($60) will be required following approval of your membership by the Board of Directors. A member of the Board will contact you once your application is approved.
Step 2 - Meet with a Board Member
Meet with a Board Member (check Officers), where you can introduce yourself (no long speeches necessary), and give us a little information on you and your past flying experience, if any. It's completely painless and we promise you'll go away smiling. The flying club Board members will vote on you, making sure you are alive and breathing. To finalize your membership, the Board will vote on your membership at the next available convenience to approve your exclusive use and privilege as a member. Then access to our scheduling system and entry into the treasurers database can be completed. Unfortunately this process could take as long as 30 days depending on whenever the next BOD meeting is scheduled.
Step 3 - Choose an Instructor
Now you're ready to choose an instructor. Whether you are a licensed pilot, a student with some experience, or a beginner just learning to fly, meet with our Chief Flight Instructor. She will match you up with one of our club instructors either to begin your training, or to check you out in our aircraft if you already have a license. Then it's up to you and your instructor to decide when and how often to fly. There have been people in the club who can put aside time every day to fly and have made it from start to finish in a few months. Others are more limited in time and money and have been student pilots for more than a year. The typical person flies once or twice a week and completes his or her training in 8 months to one year.